2023 has been a pivotal year in the development of AI, with many describing it as the biggest revolution since the invention of the internet (CTech, 2023). Given the buzz generated by AI, it comes as no surprise that 25% of all money invested in US startups in 2023 was within the AI space (Crunchbase News, 2023).
Generative AI occupied much of the attention of B2B professionals in 2023. During the months following its release in late 2022, marketers flocked to ChatGPT in the hope of dramatically scaling content creation at little to no cost. At the same time, dozens of startups emerged, offering services built on top of ChatGPT’s API that promised to tackle just about every major marketing challenge—from creating branded SEO content to automating social media marketing.
Yet, despite increasing productivity in very real ways, AI has not resulted in an immediate replacement for the human workforce. AI has already reached the 'peak of inflated expectations' in its hype cycle (Gartner, 2023). 2024, in contrast, is anticipated to be the year when it enters 'the trough of disillusionment'. This development is based on the estimation that mainstream adoption will take another two years to become fully realised in spite of monumental investments in these technologies across almost every tech sector. Indeed, as much as 10% of B2B leaders state that they are yet to utilise AI in any capacity as of yet (Pavilion, 2023).
In terms of demand generation, this year’s Outlook marks AI as a strategic solution for marketing teams to augment the skill set of their teams. Distinguishing the hype from the reality will be critical for success.