How to Build B2B Client Journeys that Drive Conversions



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    The importance and benefits of client journeys

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    Best practices for developing accurate client journeys

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    3-step playbook to building client journeys that drive conversions


A client journey refers to the complete process a client undergoes whilst interacting with a business. It encompasses all touchpoints and experiences, from the initial awareness stage to post-purchase interactions, influencing their overall satisfaction and loyalty. The B2B client journey typically involves stages such as awareness, consideration, decision-making, purchase, and advocacy.


With this in mind, it is important to remember that organisations cannot prescribe client journeys to their buyers, as they buy on their timing, and use channels that they feel comfortable using whilst moving freely from phase to phase, both forward and backward.

Therefore, the most important aspect of optimising client journeys is to build seamless, consistent experiences with the right content, and make sure that users can easily engage across all channels and devices.

A satisfactory client journey, which caters to the differing needs of your audience members, is what will enable a predictable sales pipeline for your organisation.

The importance of client journeys

4 benefits of successful client journeys

#1 Enhanced client experience

4 best practices for building client journeys

#1 In-depth buyer persona development

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    Conduct research: Gather data through surveys, interviews, and buyer group research to understand your audience's preferences and behaviours

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    Identify patterns: Analyse the collected data to identify common demographics, interests, and challenges in your target audience

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    Create persona profiles: Develop fictional representations of your typical clients, including their goals, pain points, and preferred communication channels

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    Validate with real data: Test and validate the personas using actual client behaviour, survey feedback and social listening.

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    Inform marketing strategies: Tailor your marketing efforts to address the specific needs and preferences of each persona

When following the above steps, keep these 5 best practices in mind:

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    Keep personas updated: Continuously gather data and insights to keep your personas relevant and up-to-date. Client preferences and behaviours can change rapidly, so regularly review and adjust your personas accordingly.

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    Reject stereotypes: Be mindful of biases and avoid creating personas based on stereotypes. Use real data and insights to form accurate representations of your audience.

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    Involve cross-functional teams: Collaborate with various departments, such as marketing, sales, client support, and product development, to ensure all teams understand and align with your buyer personas. This collective understanding will lead to more cohesive strategies and client experiences.

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    Prioritise high-value personas: Whilst it is important to address the needs of all your personas, focusing on those with the highest potential value to your business can be beneficial. Tailor your efforts towards converting and retaining these high-value segments to manage workflows.

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    Measure and iterate: Regularly measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts targeted at each persona. Analyse the results and iterate your strategies based on the insights gained. This data-driven approach will help you refine your buyer personas and optimise your marketing campaigns over time.

#2 Utilising data and analytics

When utilising data, keep the following best practices in mind:

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    Define clear objectives: Outline specific goals for data and analytics usage in client journey development, such as improving satisfaction or boosting sales.

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    Collect relevant data: Gather data from sources like CRM systems, social media, and client feedback, ensuring accuracy for informed decision-making.

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    Segmentation and personalisation: Divide your client base into segments based on demographics, behaviour, and preferences to create personalised journeys.

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    Integrate data sources: Combine data from different sources to form comprehensive client profiles and understand their cross-channel journeys.

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    Predictive analytics for insights: Utilise predictive analytics to anticipate client behaviour, preferences, and pain points, enabling proactive engagement.

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    Real-time monitoring: Implement real-time analytics to track client interactions, facilitating prompt responses and adjustments.

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    A/B testing for optimisation: Test different strategies, messages, and experiences through A/B testing to optimise the client journey.

#3 Omnichannel as a necessity

#4 Collaboration between teams

This alignment not only accelerates conversions but also nurtures lasting client relationships.

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    Shared goals: Ensure that teams understand and share common goals, such as revenue targets, lead generation, and client retention. This helps create a unified vision.

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    Open communication: Foster open and transparent communication between teams. Regular meetings, joint brainstorming sessions, and feedback loops can help bridge gaps and build trust.

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    Lead qualification and scoring: Establish a clear lead scoring and qualification process that teams agree upon. This is particularly important for a seamless marketing-sales handoff.

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    Joint campaigns and content creation: Collaborate on campaigns and content creation. Sales and client success teams can provide real-world insights into client pain points, objections, and frequently asked questions, which can then be used to create relevant and effective marketing materials.

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    Regular cross-functional meetings: Meet frequently to discuss ongoing initiatives, share successes, and address challenges. These meetings encourage collaboration and problem-solving.

Identifying early intent

To identify early intent, keep the following best practices in mind:

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    Monitor tracking keywords or mentions related to your industry.

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    Analyse website behaviour: frequent visits, specific page views, and prolonged engagement suggest interest.

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    Subscribed newsletters and downloaded resources signify growing curiosity.

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    Interact proactively by initiating personalised communication.

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    Pay attention to comments, questions, or shares on relevant content.

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    Monitor social media interactions and industry trends and identify prospects showing alignment with your solutions

How to build client journeys that drive conversions

For beginner teams

1. Process

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    Keyword research: Conduct keyword research to identify the terms potential clients are searching for. Optimise your content to appear in search results and attract organic SEO traffic.

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    Website and landing pages: Optimise your website and landing pages for user-friendly design, compelling content, clear messaging, and effective calls to action. Also ensure mobile-friendliness, fast loading times, and on-page SEO.

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    Lead nurturing sequences: Enhance your lead nurturing strategy with an omnichannel approach that ensures engagement across various touchpoints. Craft a seamless journey that educates your leads about your offerings whilst leveraging email, social media, and webinars to share success stories, case studies, and valuable educational resources that emphasise the true value of your product or service.

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    Segmentation: Further segment your list based on engagement and interests. Tailor your content to each segment's preferences to increase relevance.

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    Follow-up communication: Check in with cross-functional teams after a few weeks to ensure seamless alignment of messaging, address questions, and fix challenges that may have arisen.

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    Social media engagement strategy: Develop a strategy for driving engagement on social media platforms. This could involve responding to comments, initiating discussions, and sharing user-generated content related to your brand to foster a brand community.

2. Team

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    Client success: Assign team members to promptly address client queries and concerns. Provide them with the necessary training to offer accurate and helpful assistance.

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    Content creation: Gather a team of writers, designers, and content creators to generate compelling content that resonates with buyers at each stage of the client journey. This content should educate, engage, and inspire action.

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    Marketing efforts: Collaborate with your marketing team to strategise and execute campaigns that align with the client journey stages. Consistent messaging and branding across all touchpoints will create a cohesive and satisfactory client experience.

3. Content

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    Articles, whitepapers, and blog posts: Develop informative and relevant articles that showcase your expertise and address common client pain points. These assets should offer solutions and demonstrate your understanding of their needs.

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    Email newsletters: Craft newsletters that provide value beyond sales pitches. Include success stories, industry insights, and useful tips that keep clients looking forward to your emails.

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    SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): Conduct keyword research to identify relevant search terms, and incorporate them strategically into your articles, blog posts, and website content. Additionally, focus on improving your website's loading speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall user experience.

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    Paid Media: Implement paid advertising campaigns to target specific audience segments and drive traffic to your website or landing pages. Utilise platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads to reach potential clients effectively.

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    Social media updates: Share bite-sized content on social media platforms to keep your audience engaged and informed. Use visuals, short videos, and engaging captions to capture attention.

For intermediate teams

1. Process

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    Content personalisation at scale: By leveraging AI-driven content generation tools, you can create personalised content variations for different segments without significantly increasing production time and costs. Caution must be taken, of course, to make sure this content does not sound robotic or generic.

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    Advanced lead scoring: Enhance your lead scoring model with more advanced criteria. Incorporate external factors that go beyond engagement metrics, such as industry trends, market changes, and economic indicators (e.g., recent company funding) to assign more accurate scoring. Refining your marketing segmentation efforts can greatly improve lead scoring efficiency.

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    Multi-touchpoint nurturing: Implement multi-touchpoint lead nurturing programs that span various communication channels. Combine automated emails with personalised video messages to establish a deeper connection with prospects. These could be from key team members or executives, for example.

2. Team

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    Cross-functional agile teams: Form teams that consist of data analysts, UX designers, content creators, and developers. These teams can work on specific projects, such as optimising the client onboarding process, in a focused and efficient manner. Spotify’s squad model is a good example of this.

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    Client journey task force: Establish a dedicated task force that periodically reviews and fine-tunes the client journey. This team should be empowered to identify bottlenecks, suggest improvements, and implement changes swiftly.

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    Unified client insights platform: Invest in a unified platform that aggregates data from various touchpoints, allowing teams to access a comprehensive view of the client journey. This platform fosters collaboration by enabling teams to make informed decisions based on real-time insights.

3. Content

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    Interactive workshops and masterclasses: Offer virtual workshops and masterclasses that provide in-depth insights into industry trends, problem-solving strategies, and product utilisation. These interactive sessions enable clients to actively engage and learn.

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    Customisable data visualisations: Provide clients with tools that allow them to create customised data visualisations using your solution. This empowers them to extract insights relevant to their specific needs and makes your solution an indispensable part of their decision making process.

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    Co-creation initiatives: Collaborate with your clients to co-create content, such as industry reports, research papers, or joint webinars. This not only strengthens your relationships but also positions both parties as thought leaders.

For advanced teams

1. Process

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    Continuous experimentation: Instill a culture of experimentation and data orchestration, where A/B and multivariate testing, and data-driven iterations become the norm. This approach ensures your client journey is always optimised based on findings from real-time insights and trends.

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    Hyper-personalisation: Utilise advanced client segmentation techniques, combining demographics, behaviours, and psychographics. Craft hyper-personalised content, offers, and experiences that resonate deeply with each client segment and specific accounts within.

2. Team

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    Data science experts: Employ data scientists who delve into complex behavioural analytics, uncovering hidden insights that shape your strategies.

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    Behavioural psychologists: Engage behavioural psychologists to understand the psychology behind client decisions. This knowledge can be applied to crafting persuasive touchpoints at critical moments.

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    Advanced marketing specialists: Recruit experts well-versed in emerging marketing techniques, such as neuromarketing, sentiment analysis, and predictive modeling.

3. Content

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    Immersive technologies: Integrate immersive technologies like virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) to provide clients with hands-on experiences of your solutions. For instance, consider simulating a real-world application of your product through VR.

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    Data visualisation dashboards: If your B2B organisation works with data analytics or software solutions, offer interactive data visualisation dashboards that allow clients to input their data and visualise how your solution can analyse and present insights.

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    Interactive storytelling: Develop interactive storytelling experiences that guide clients through virtual scenarios. This helps them visualise the impact of your solutions on their business in a creative and engaging manner.

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    User-generated advocacy: Foster a sense of community by actively encouraging clients to share their success stories through video testimonials, blog posts, and podcasts. This approach not only enhances trust but also transforms clients into advocates.

Our INFUSE demand experts are available to help craft personalised client journeys specific to your target audiences, which incorporate impactful demand generation strategies that drive your growth.


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