Lead Nurturing Playbook: How to Align B2B Content with the Buyer’s Journey



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    Content recommendations for supporting lead nurturing across all stages of the sales funnel

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    Strategies for addressing common pain points and effectively engaging buyers with your content marketing

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    5 lead nurturing best practices to inform and optimise your B2B content marketing strategy

Effective B2B lead nurturing requires a wealth of informative and relevant touchpoints to meet diverse buyer needs and interests, and ultimately, encourage their progression throughout the sales funnel.

Therefore, understanding the most suitable content to address a buyer’s evolving needs as they advance in their buyer’s journey is essential to resonate with prospects and retain them.

This lead nurturing playbook breaks down the most effective content for each sales funnel stage and includes five best practices for engaging buyers and driving conversions.


Lead nurturing is a client-centric marketing approach focused on developing relationships with prospects to build trust and encourage continued engagement to motivate a deal in the brand’s favour when they are ready to purchase.

Successful lead nurturing builds a rich buyer experience with touchpoints that encourage progression along the buyer’s journey and sales funnel stages.

Lead nurturing is a key strategy for organisations looking to engage B2B buyers, especially when considering that 55% of sales cycles last over two quarters (INFUSE Insights Voice of the Buyer 2024 Report). During this time organisations continually share valuable content and messaging with prospects that keep their offerings top of mind and address pain points as they arise.

When designing your B2B content marketing strategy, it is important to develop a variety of assets that engage buyers according to their unique needs, as they develop according to their progression through their buyer’s journey. Therefore, developing a keen understanding of your buyers is essential to strategise your content marketing and secure its role in supporting lead nurturing.

Below are content recommendations for each stage of the sales funnel (TOFU, MOFU, BOFU, and Post-Sales), with a breakdown of common pain points and how to address them in your lead nurturing strategy:

Top of funnel (TOFU) stage

The top of the sales funnel (also known as the awareness stage), is when leads learn more about their business challenges and the potential solutions to address them.

TOFU content marketing recommendations


Middle of funnel (MOFU) stage

The middle of the sales funnel (also known as the consideration stage) is when leads have a firmer grasp of the available solutions in the marketplace and are actively investigating to determine the best option for their needs.

MOFU content marketing recommendations


Bottom of funnel (BOFU) stage

The bottom of the sales funnel, (also known as the decision stage) is when prospective buyers are clarifying any remaining doubts and concerns to determine the best course of action.

Therefore, content that is authoritative and cements the alignment between your organisation and the client’s objectives, is key for supporting conversions at this stage.

BOFU content marketing recommendations


Post-sales stage

At the post-sales stage, clients want to be guaranteed that they made the right decision and will meet their expectations. Onboarding and dedicated support are therefore essential for addressing this need and encouraging retention and greater client lifetime value as a result.

Post-sales content marketing recommendations


How to optimise lead nurturing:
5 best practices

Ensuring that content is aligned with sales funnel stages and caters to specific buyer pain points is essential, calling for a strategic lead nurturing approach to achieve positive outcomes.

Below are five lead nurturing best practices to keep in mind:

#1 Develop personalised lead nurturing cadences per persona

Ensuring relevance is key. Your lead nurturing cadences should feature memorable touchpoints that meet specific buyer needs and interests to encourage continued buyer engagement.

Therefore, establishing separate nurturing tracks per buyer persona is ideal for addressing unique challenges with messaging that resonates with their organisational goals and personal aspirations.

Content should be personalised, but it is important to consider the feasibility of customising content at your organisation. Some assets can be repurposed for different personas, with minor tweaks to address relevant pain points. This is a common approach for Account Based Marketing Experiences (ABX) to engage strategic accounts at scale.

While email lead nurturing is the principal channel for engaging target buyers, amplifying your channel mix can be a powerful tactic for reaching your buyers where they are.

#2 Collect lead intelligence from demand generation campaigns

Lead intelligence is actionable data on lead behaviour that can be leveraged to enhance future campaigns. This data may include insights into content formats, messaging, and imagery based on past performance that can be A/B tested and refined to continuously improve outcomes.

Therefore, by collecting lead intelligence, you can action these insights in your lead nurturing strategies, ensuring their relevance for each buyer persona and funnel stage.

#3 Enhance lead scoring and track buyer intent data

Lead scoring processes help to determine buyer progression along their buyer’s journey and when they should receive specific touchpoints or advance funnel stages.

Lead scoring can be enhanced with buyer intent data to form a clearer understanding of your buyers’ behaviour, as well as their priorities and position in the sales funnel.

This is imperative for informing engagement strategies and assigning prospects to the correct nurturing cadences, as well as sharing relevant content.

#4 Analyse lead nurturing drop-offs

Analysing the key touchpoints when leads drop off, allows you to identify when nurturing is failing to meet buyers’ expectations. These can often be identified by spikes in unsubscribes (in the case of email lead nurturing cadences) or a prolonged drop in engagement.

This typically occurs when buyers are dissatisfied with their brand experience, which can be due to:

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    Sales-focused messaging early in the buying process (when prospects are at the top of the funnel, for instance)

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    Repetitive content and messaging

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    Lack of cooldown between touchpoints, saturating leads

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    Buyers have concluded their purchase with a competitor, no longer requiring your brand (this can be as a result of a multitude of factors but especially when nurtures are sales-focused rather than educational)

Analysing which nurturing touchpoints result in drop-offs is important to optimise your lead nurturing strategies and retain leads in your pipeline.

#5 Monitor the sales hand-off process

Monitoring the sales hand-off process is essential to ensure that prospective buyers have a good experience and are engaged by sales teams at the right time.

Routing leads to sales too early can decrease the likelihood of conversions, as well as risk alienating leads rather than encouraging them to engage further with the brand. Therefore, monitoring the sales hand-off process and the subsequent meetings is paramount to optimising this process and improving conversion rates.

According to the INFUSE Insights Voice of the Buyer 2024 report, 66% of buyers rely on consultants and subject matter experts when researching and evaluating solutions. Therefore, adopting a 'consultative' approach is ideal for motivating sales conversations and opportunities rather than pressuring buyers to commit to a purchase decision.

Key takeaways

To ensure your lead nurturing meets its expectations and engages prospects, make sure to follow these three takeaways:

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    Craft content with pain points and B2B buyer personas in mind: Design content with buyer needs first and foremost, which will facilitate its inclusion in different sales funnel stages to engage leads effectively

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    Utilise data and monitoring tools to perfect nurturing cadences: By utilising lead scoring, buyer intent tools, and data from CRMs and former campaigns, it is possible to continuously improve lead nurturing touchpoints and the conversion rate from one stage of the funnel to the next

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    Focus on building trust: Trust is a key goal of lead nurturing. By providing value and client centricity in all your lead nurturing strategies, you are more likely to build trust and yield greater performance.


INFUSE demand experts enhance your current lead nurturing assets and develop new touchpoints empowered by high-performance demand programs to deliver unmatched engagement and ROI.

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